Good-bye to a great many things.

Many of you know that I was in a car wreck Wednesday about 5:30 p.m. at the intersection of NW 26th and Walker.  A yellow Caddilac ran a stop sign and I broadsided him in the Miata.  He left the scene of the accident.

I did, too. By EMSA ambulance. 

I’m all right, CAT scanned and X-rayed.

They released me from the ER at St. Anthony’s about 8:30 p.m. with a Loritab script and a sore shoulder.

The police were nice.  The wrecker driver was nice.  The EMSA techs were funny and nice.  The doctors, nurses, technicians and aides were all helpful and very nice.

I thank them all.  I’m also grateful not to be badly hurt or disfigured or anything like that.

I’m especially grateful to my Mom who was there for me first and foremost.

I’m such a lucky man to have such good friends.

Suz, MCARP, Rena and Kat all came to the hospital to check on me and KellyO and many others kept up with me by telephone.  Amanda Joy was on the scene of the accident and was every kind of supportive and concerned.  Thanks.

I must make special mention of Veronique Mist.  She nursed and nurtured me last night and this morning, waking me to make sure that I didn’t have a concussion or a reaction to the medications.  She’s towed me around from place to place and been as helpful as one could dream.  She’s a good friend and good counsel.  She made me laugh and, most important, laugh at myself and my “plight”.  She gets an A+ in handholding and bedside manner.  She’s been a blessing in my life and “thanks” doesn’t seem like enough, even though she won’t accept more.  VM, you da shit, grrrl.

That out of the way, I’m saying goodbye to the Miata.

I asked MCARP to tell me some good Bhuddist stuff about letting go of material things and today he posts about his sense of loss over an old Volvo.  Perverse s.o.b.


I’m still saying goodbye and farewell to the little blue ragtop.

And, I’ve been heading that way for awhile and I think it’s also goodbye to my batchelor days.

I’ve tried marriage, serial monogamy and polygamy.  I wasn’t exactly a “failure” at any of it, at least from some perspectives, but I wasn’t much good at any of the three from other perspectives.

Lately, it’s been wonderful but too chaotic for a recovering alcoholic.  I require more serenity in my life than I get going out as much as I have been and having my life entwined with as many romantic and sexual relationships.

It’s a good time to get out of the lifestyle I adopted for the past few years.  I’ve been as big a winner as I can expect in the sense that most of the women in my life are still friends despite the fact that our relationship ended either well or badly or never really got fired up.  The men in my life are not the subject of any resentment or hatred by me and I know of no active male enemies.  I’m in a good place in my relationships and no one will be hurt by this decision of mine to take more conservative measures. 

I’ve loved several women and still love them.  Love is forever, even if the relationship is over for me.  I couldn’t say which one is most or best because each of those feelings was different — like comparing a comedy to a drama.

I’ve had my share of fun.  Lots of live music and dancing and eating al fresco.  A great many art shows and galleries and museums.  I’ve been grateful that I could stay sober and enjoy so much of the finest in life that Oklahoma City offers.

I don’t in any way mean to have you think I’m putting a gun in my mouth or anything like that.  I’m very optimistic.  I’ll still go out and see movies and art shows and live music and I’ll still find women attractive and easy to be around.  I may even fall in love again.

But, the convertible, frenetic paced hunger for stimulation is over for me.

For the first half of the year, I’ve been working toward dialing back relationships and some of my social activities.  This is a good place to make a clean break.

Next month, I’ll be 57.  Closer to 60 and three times the age of the 20 year olds who live naturally the way I’ve been living for a while now.

I need to look to the future and pay attention to my profession with the same passion that I’ve had pursuing pleasures.

It’s past time for me to put my kitchen remodel ahead of Monday and Tuesday night live music.

Flip’s, bin 73 and Rococo will have to soldier on without me on Thursday nights while I write and paint.

Instead of Sunday brunch out by the lake, it will be landscaping the back yard for me.

Eating more healthy at home and getting exercise will fit in my future plans better than canapes and nightclubbing.

Some of this will be necessary as a direct result of the hit my finances are taking with the wreck and the doctor bills and trying to get a new vehicle.

That car was due an expensive timing belt change at 90,000 miles — 3,000 miles ago.  It wasn’t good for long distance driving and my clients had trouble getting in and out when we went to court together.

I couldn’t go to the grocery and buy a month’s worth of stuff at Sam’s in the Miata.

I’ll search for serenity in the balcony at Mayflower Church instead of elusive ecstacy in the fleshpots of Oklahoma City’s Western Ave. corridor.

Goodbye Miata.

It was fun while it lasted.

I’ll always love you and always remember you fondly.

I endlessly chronicled your time with me.

I endlessly chronicled the life you brought me and took me to.

I have tremendous confidence that I will do well and prosper.

Fare thee well.