Imma solve all your relationship problems, bro. (No Homo)

First, take everything you think about women and relationships and mentally put them away in a drawer someplace. If the thoughts creep back into your head, think of a white horse instead.

Second, toss all that Tibetan bowl crap you listen to.

Third, load this video below into your iPhone and bring your earphones wherever you go.

Finally, whenever you meet a woman who even slightly attracts you in that man-woman way, plug in your earphones, put one in her ear and one in yours and hit Play. Keep the volume UP. The earphones will keep your faces close. Get the hint?

You can thank me later.


P.S. Stay strapped, bro. No glove, no love.

P.P.S. Damn, bro! You don’t have to believe everything you think. You need emergency assistance. OK. Got your back. If you are still not kissing her face at the end of the above video, play this one.

This is strong medicine, my brothah. Use with caution. May be habit forming. Don’t operate heavy machinery while in use.
